Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27th - Write an Old Friend Today Day

I miss writing letters. When I was a kid I had several pen pals I kept in touch with through good old snail mail. When email came along, I excitedly obtained my pen pals email addresses and I became enticed with the ease and speed of the Internet. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, the art of writing a letter was lost. Think of the joyful feeling you get when you open your mailbox and amongst the pile of bills pops out a note from a friend. Instead of waiting until the hectic holidays to send out cards, once a month, randomly pick a page out of your address book and send a card or letter to one or more people on that page. The recipient will be thrilled with getting an unexpected note and you will feel good knowing you brightened somebody’s day. Here is a sample letter you can use.

Dear ___________,
It’s funny how time always seems to slip away. I am not the greatest at keeping in touch, but please remember I think of you often and hope that you and your family are doing well. My family is doing great. ___________ is getting so big and _________ impresses me more and more each day with his __________ skills. My days are filled with _________ and _______. I keep very busy, but I would not change it for the world. I sure miss seeing you, I would love to get together sometime. You can reach me at _________. Hope to hear from you soon.
Yours truly,

Children learn best by watching what you do. When they see you writing letters, they will be intrigued to write letters of thier own. Keep the art of letter writing alive by encouraging your whole family to write a letter to an old friend or relative they haven’t seen in a while.

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